Saturday, October 19, 2019

My perfect healthy imperfections! By Farnaz Mariam.

 Farnaz Mariam's Biography:
Salam, This is Farnaz Mariam, living in Seattle. Married and a mother of four beautiful children. Regardless of where I am, my focus is to be connected with Allah SWT. Content with everything I have, always keep decluttering my mind, my heart and my soul of any and all unwanted thoughts, feelings, and emotions. In the hustle of this worldly life, I try to find peace and calm by pondering about the Creator which forces me to pen down the Magnanimity of Our Magnificent Rabb. If you feel lost in the noise of day to day life, and would like to stop breathe and refresh then you are at the right place !!! Connecting back to the Creator is indeed the best stress buster ❤

My perfect healthy imperfections! 

Social media has changed our mindset so much that it makes us feel that we have to be perfect to be accepted by the people around us. It gives a feeling that if we are not a better, faster, improved version of our own self, then we have failed. Which is so wrong!!


By Farnaz Mariam

Not being perfect is perfectly human. We Muslims, should know and understand the fact that only Allah SWT is and will be perfect. Humans can definitely aim to get better; however, this should not be at stake of humanity. We need to not make it become a norm of society, to expect people to be perfect. Instead, we should aim for simplicity. This will make it easier to follow the deen easier for us and for the people around us.

The sad reality of today’s world is that we live for-the-people to “see” us, to “think” that we are the-most-happiest people on earth, which is totally wrong! Because we are not the people of this duniya, but we belong to our eternal akhirah as well as our souls. The basic rule of our beautiful deen is that our duniya should be simple, and we are constantly working to impress our beloved Rabb and not the people around us. If you say you are “happy," “content," “the luckiest on earth,” kind of words, where on the contrary, you are saying this only to impress people, then I totally know it's not true!!!

For me, these are Few if not all, simple rules to set in life if I really want to be “happy”, “content”,” luckiest on earth”.

Realize the fact that no one is perfect, except Allah SWT:  YES!! Don’t prove to anyone 

that you are perfect, neither should you buy that someone else is perfect. We should always know that perfection is only the Zaat of Allah SWT.

It’s totally ok to be imperfect, accept it gracefully: Actually speaking, it is, in fact, healthy to be imperfect. I don’t mean to propagate laziness or procrastination. Those are actually not even encouraged in our deen. However, you should just love the way you are. Allah SWT Himself told, He SWT made mankind the best of all creations. Find your best, don't try to be someone else. if only you have to perfect something, perfect your relation with Allah SWT.

Keep it simple: Yes, s-i-m-p-l-e !! keep your life and heart simple. Do not clutter it with the hollow colors of the duniya. Don’t run for brand names, it's good to have good quality things if you can afford it, but don’t make it a big deal. Rather, work on your soul. True honor is not in people’s eyes, rather its in Allah’s SWT Eyes.

Accept those who are simple: don’t look down on people who are trying to declutter their lives by living simply. They may be far more acceptable in the Eyes of Allah SWT than you. 

Come out of the “if-then” loop: We often are deluded by the hyped-social-media pictures that “if” we do something like others, “then” we will be happy. We are constantly locked in this wrong pursuit of happiness. Happiness is not conditional, it comes from a satisfied heart. Satisfied with what Allah SWT has given us, and if you find yourself in this loop of if-thens… it's time to come out of it! A satisfied heart is a result of constant remembrance of Allah SWT.. give it a try!

Don’t live to impress others: Sad but true yet again, the majority of humans have enslaved their nafs to impress others. Most of us do certain things, act a certain way, go to certain places, travel, eat at a certain restaurant, give a party, to take pictures and videos that “has to” go on social media, further enslaving ourselves to the “likes” and “hearts” and “comments” we receive. Subhan Allah. Shaitan is aware of our human fitrah of “wanting to be loved”, don’t let him fool you!! Be the master of your nafs, and not its slave.

Give priority to relationships in life: Why is it ok these days that your spouse or your mom or dad, gets an update of where you are, not by a personal message on the phone, but over a tag, or by a status update on the social media?? Why is it normal these days to be dug inside your phone while your most prized relations are around you?? If the answer is just “because the world is doing it, or because it is accepted by society,” then surely you are not the “happiest”;  rather, you are the saddest. Allah SWT has beautified our life with so many beautiful relations, you cannot overlook their rights and be ok with it, because 99.9% of people are doing the same! I mean, come on… isn’t that supposed to be common sense??!!

Set a time to check social media: Yes, keep that phone aside especially when you have loved ones around. Give them the time and attention they deserve. Stick some post-its for reminders, make a docking station, and the most important is to set a time for checking the messages on social media. Limit the time. I am working on it too! Alhamdullilah halfway there..!!

Work for perfection in deen: Irony of our lives- on the one hand, we want to be perfect in the eyes of people and work tirelessly hoping to not fail at all, and on the other hand, not even giving the bare minimum for our deen. barely praying the five salahs, just to finish it as a chore, barely able to keep up the modesty. Not realizing how far we have lowered ourselves in the Eyes of Our beloved Rabb. Once we start working on becoming high in the Eyes of Allah SWT rather than in people’s eyes, Allah SWT out of HIS attribute of Ash-Shakur, will not let it go vain. HE SWT will value our efforts, our intentions, our work and make people love us, will make duniya fall for us.

Make Allah SWT your ultimate goal:We just need to take the first step with ikhlaas. Allah SWT will make the rest of the journey easy and smooth. Accept your imperfections, be humble in the court of Allah SWT, know that you are dependent on HIM, show HIM your dependency in duas, strive more….. and leave the rest to our Beloved Most Merciful RABB. 

Stay Happy! Stay connected to Allah SWT!


  1. MashAllah such a good article. Well said, Farnaz!

  2. Love it Farnaz! Your analysis of the social media issues prevailing in todays' society is spot on. May Allah swt give us all tawfeeq to act on these beautiful naseehah. Ameen

  3. SubhanAllah! Very well described all the common but most important factors which need to be understood and followed.

  4. SubhanAllah...It’s so true.Very well said !


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