Saturday, August 31, 2019

My Facebook messenger is like Joha’s nail!

Illustrated by: Eyad

My Facebook Messenger is Like Joha's nail

My Facebook messenger is like Joha’s nail!
 Of course, some of you won't have any idea what I’m talking about. Who is Joha? What's wrong with his nail? And what does that have to do with my Facebook messenger?
 So, let's start with my Facebook messenger. I was checking my Facebook messages, and I usually look at the inbox, but lately, I found that there was another section named as ”others,” and this is where you get messages from folks you are not a friend with.
 When I opened the ”other” message box, I found tens of messages including ads, profanities, and ” Hi, what’s up? What's your name and what you do?” kind of messages and one last message I just got from a coworker who I used to work with for not less than two years.
 I may confuse people’s names, jobs, or whatever, but I never forget how they made me once feel.
 All I remembered when I saw her message, I had had a feeling of discomfort. An unexplainable pain in the chest after seeing her message. The way she turned my boss against me, the way she babbled mouth me behind my back and how she envied me even after I quit the whole thing. I’m not saying she was terrible, not at all, but what I mean to say that not every follower is a liker. She was a follower of mine, and it turned out that she wasn't a liker. Some folks would follow you to check if they still doing better than you, and they would continue to support you as long as you are not up to the hype, or maybe you are out of their league, but once you are out, then you are done with them. And, it’s not you, it’s them who weren’t friends. Next time, try not to be too trusty 😊
 I opened her message, I read it, and three years later I have blocked her to say ” I’m letting you see and watch whatever I want you to, and I think that's enough for now!”
 And regarding Joha, Joha is considered one of the most featured comedians in the Arab humorous literature. He was well known for his funny tales and stories that were supposed to teach the reader a vital lesson in the end.
 Joha’s nail is a famous story that turned out to be a proverb we -Arabs used to mention whenever someone is trying to reach out to you after a long period of time where you no longer friends with him or her and he/she is finding excuses or new ways to reconnect and make an ongoing relationship with you after cutting it for years already.
 Joha in his story used to hammer a nail in the wall right before selling his property; then after selling his property, he came over to visit the new owners every single day to ask them never to pull the nail away from the wall. Every day he came over to check the hammered nail, so the owners felt obliged to have him over for dinner as his visit usually coincided with their dinner time.
We as-Arabs usually feel ashamed if we have a guest coming over, and we did never share a meal or offer a treat for the guest. So, Joha knew it, and he found his hammered nail a brilliant excuse for coming over for a FREE meal likewise my ex-coworker has used my Facebook messenger as a way to reconnect with me, though we no longer have something in common nor a good memory.
 So, sometimes my Facebook messenger -to some folks is like Joha’s nail!

 For more stories, check on my books on Amazon here.
I'm all ears, do you need a perfect stranger? Shoot me an email! Do you have a story to tell? Come on! Looking for an opportunity? Need your writings to get published here? Feel free to contact me. I can be reached at  Shama 
I'm all ears, do you need a perfect stranger? Shoot me an email! Do you have a story to tell? Come on! Looking for an opportunity? Need your writings to get published here? Feel free to contact me. I can be reached at  Shama 
 for more stories check on my books on Amazon here

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